Smiling woman

Dental Bridges

Missing teeth affect the appearance and function of your smile, decreasing your quality of life. A dental bridge can fill the gap in your smile, improving your abilities to eat and speak. See how Enlighten Dental in Vancouver, BC, can seamlessly replace your teeth with natural-looking restorations.

What Are Dental Bridges?

Dental bridges are restorations made from dental porcelain that can replace one tooth or up to three missing teeth in a row. They consist of crowns on either side of a pontic, or replacement tooth. We work with a dental lab that designs our bridges to blend in seamlessly with your smile, so they are virtually indistinguishable from your natural teeth. Our Vancouver office offers both traditional and implant-supported bridges.
Traditional bridge

Traditional Bridges

Traditional bridges use two crowned abutment teeth on both ends of the bridge to support one or more pontics.

Implant-supported bridge

Implant-Supported Bridges

Our dentists can place dental implants, posts that act as artificial tooth roots. Your implants can then support a dental bridge.

Bridge the Gap in Your Smile Contact Our Vancouver Office Today

Any stage of tooth loss can cause feelings of embarrassment and impair dental function. Our team of general dentists has a variety of solutions all in one convenient location, including dental bridges. We can create a custom dental bridge and comfortably secure it in place. We can even place dental implants, if necessary.

If you think you could benefit from a dental bridge, we want to hear from you. Request a consultation with one of our dentists or call our Vancouver office:

(604) 876-9228

View of Vancouver from the dental chair
"When cared for properly, porcelain dental bridges can last well over a decade and dental implants can last for the rest of your life."

Receiving Your Dental Bridge A Step-by-Step Look at the Procedure

After a consultation with one of our dentists, you can schedule your dental bridge procedure. Every step of your procedure can be performed in our comfortable Vancouver office. It will involve several steps:
We can create a custom dental bridge and comfortably secure it in place, all from one convenient location.
We can create a custom dental bridge and comfortably secure it in place, all from one convenient location.

Dental Implants

If you're receiving an implant-supported bridge, one of our dentists will first place dental implants. Though we will thoroughly numb the treatment site before surgery, we also offer sedation dentistry to help you relax in the dental chair. After a healing period of three to six months, they will place abutments. After another short healing period, you will be ready for your bridge.

Digital Impressions

Your dentist will use the TRIOS® intraoral scanner to take accurate impressions of your teeth and gums. These impressions will be used to create a bridge that blends in seamlessly with your natural teeth.

Dental Lab

Your impressions will be sent out to our trusted lab that creates custom, lifelike restorations that flatter your features. It may take a few weeks for them to craft your bridge.

Bridge Placement

Once our dentists receive your custom bridge from the lab, you can return to our office. If you're receiving a traditional bridge, our dentists will shape your abutment teeth to prepare them for the dental crowns. If you're receiving an implant-supported bridge, your abutments will be connected to the bridge. Your dentist will ensure proper fit and function before securing the bridge in place.

Caring for Your Dental Bridge

Once your permanent bridge is in place, follow your dentist's guidelines to care for your new restoration. These guidelines may include:

Following an Oral Care Routine

Though your new restoration is made of dental porcelain, it still has to be cared for just like your natural teeth. Brush your teeth with a soft-bristle toothbrush twice a day, floss once a day, and use a mouthwash to maintain the health and appearance of your crowns, pontic, and natural teeth.

Cleaning Under Your Bridge

Food debris can get trapped under your bridge, leading to inflammation. You can clean under your traditional bridge with a floss threader or interdental brush.

Attending Regular Checkups

Attending twice-yearly checkups with your dentist can maintain your overall oral health, but our dentists will also monitor the condition of your bridge and inform you if it's time to replace it.

Other Solutions for Tooth Loss

If a dental bridge isn't the best solution for your tooth loss, our dentists may recommend another restoration, such as a:
Dental crown

Dental Crown

A dental crown can be supported by an implant to completely replace a single tooth. Our dentists can place both your implant and crown on-site at our Vancouver office.



A partial denture can restore areas of tooth loss and a full denture can replace an entire dental arch. We offer both traditional and implant-supported dentures.

We Offer Biocompatibility Testing

As holistic dentists, we never use materials in our dentistry that could harm the body. Our dentists have carefully selected materials proven through years of testing and we only use what is universally compatible. However, we can still minimize your chances of experiencing sensitivity or allergic reactions with an initial biocompatibility test. If you have concerns about the materials that are going into your dentistry, do not hesitate to ask our dentists about biocompatibility testing.

"Our dentists do not just treat teeth: we treat the whole body. We practice biocompatible, mercury-free dentistry and provide comprehensive care with biologically-compatible materials."
Enlighten Dental exam room

Enlighten Dental

At Enlighten Dental, we are dedicated to improving both your oral and overall health. Our holistic approach to dentistry allows us to provide lasting, comprehensive results. Learn more about our team:

For more information about our services, call (604) 876-9228 or contact us online today.

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